Instructions and Help


We are happy to have you here with us.

To join us... Call TOLL FREE into the meeting: (712)432-1500(712)432-1500 and once prompted enter code: 912463#

Feel free to log into our virtual bible study room and ask any questions or comments that you may have. Also you may ask those questions in the comment section of the blog under the discussion. Lastly if you do not want to ask it virtually please simply type in that you have a ques or comment and you will be given the opportunity to ask the question/comment.

All questions/comments/concerns will be answered and/or addressed. For those that require the discussion to go into further detail an email might be required. To make sure that you are on our reminder list each week please sign up for our mailing list on the bottom of the home page.

 Thank you and Blessings!!!

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